Congratulations for passing exam!
Dear students,
Congratulations for passing exam! Your hard work and dedication has finally paid off. Keep up the good work. You are now one step closer to your dream.
The best students are not those who are the most intelligent. The best students are those who take advantage of their talents and work hard.
Exams may not be the ultimate test of life. It doesn’t matter what you want to become. What matters is that by passing these exams, you have proved that you have the ability and talent to become anyone you want to be.
You can make mistake, but don’t stop find your way to success! Wish you all the best!
With Love,
Miss Fatihah
Sharing is caring
Anak2 didik cik tom ni ye.. Moga kejayaan milik mereka sentiasa
Tentu ada hadiah dari Cik Tom kan. 🙂
Alhamdulillah, tahniah buat mereka ;D
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Tahniah buat mereka..
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